I know that just about every single thing that can be written about Christmas has already been written, all around bloggyland, but since I haven't posted in a while I thought I'd go ahead and join in and share our awesome day with you.
Now keep in mind that it's all about simplicity and comfort in our house, which is why none of us got dressed all day and we kind of lounged around like sloths for the most part LOL But it was such a great day all the way around... This is probably the only time that the boys will be living here at Christmas time, therefore probably being the only time they will be waking up here to see what Santa brought, so I will cherish this Christmas for as long as I live.
Here are just a few of my favorite pics...
When Josh opened this card, his first words were "I got an email, I got an email!" lol

John's favorite gifts where two little Lightning McQueen cars that he's been carrying around with him ever since, even taking them to bed with him.

Chad loves his new Bluetooth shades! Might be a while before he figures out how to use them, but he'll look cool in the meantime lol

Three generations, playing V-Motion...

Josh and Dad playing V-Smile...

Christmas "aftermath" lol

A delicious dinner cooked for us by Nicole and Bryan as our Christmas gift, including one of my all time favorites, Waldorf Salad, YUMMY!!

Happy New Year from our house to yours!

8 people had this to say:
Making memories is the most wonderful part.
Happy Holidays!
Love the pic of you guys on the couch. Now that's a Christmas afternoon!
talk about behind the times...i've never seen or heard about the bluetooth shades!
Great pics! Thanks for sharing your fabulous day.
Lightning McQueen right? We're dating ourselves with the Steve thing. :) I catch myself doing it all the time. It looks like you had a great Christmas. :) Have a wonderful New Year too!
ROFL, too funny that I wrote Steve and not Lightning!! Going to change that now...
Love the pix. I lost my camera and got no photos of Christmas. We did the same thing and lounged around all day and night.
You guys aren't Cowboys fans or anything are you? lol
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