Monday, September 29, 2008

don't you hate it when...

Okay, I definitely need to lighten things up around here...
Playing along with Shelle's new funniness...

Don't you hate it when it's your turn to keep Aunt Gladie company?

"Where is that smell coming from???"

7 people had this to say:

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

lol! Gross! loL! That's hilarious...thanks for playing along!

binks said...

Um, your going to have to let me know when it's my turn. But, ahem.... I don't think I'll be available until November 27, 2010. Will that be good?

Tiffany said...


Insane Mama said...

Oh geez. Yea, I hate when it is MY turn too

Growin' With It said...

hey thanks for coming by today! wasn't it a blast?! hmm, where's your video. ;o) cute blog and if you don't mind...i'll be back!!

Unknown said...

LMAO too funny! I am playing this too

Anonymous said...

lol-to funny.

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