Thursday, April 24, 2008

and the countdown begins...

Well, this is it, only 2 more days and our household will grow from 2 grownups, 2 dogs and 2 cats to 4 grownups, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 little boys...
I've been trying to get everything ready for them so that things will just fall into place, but no matter how much I do, it seems there is always much more on my list that's not checked than is, how does that happen?
I'm savoring these last two days of silence in the mornings with my BIG cup of coffee, reading emails and blogs. I must say this is my favorite time of the day, when all is still and peaceful and I can regroup to begin another day. What is to come will be interesting... I'm not the most even-keeled person in the world, my emotions and moods are usually all over the place, I'm high-strung and dramatic pretty much 24 hours a day, it's exhausting lol. When there is too much going on around me I tend to run to the most quiet place I can find, but now there won't really be a single quiet place to run to, so I am trying to mentally prepare myself for it all, if that is possible. I just keep telling myself that it's only temporary and there are a lot of great memories to be made here. Someday the boys will look back and say " oh yeah, that's the year we lived with Nana! We climbed the fence and played on the swingset to our hearts content. We ate lots of cool stuff like powdered sugar doughnuts and drank cherry Kool-aid every time Mom turned her back, because Nana's cool like that! And the cooking, don't even get us started on the cooking, our Nana cooks the BEST FOOD EVER!" lol
What about you, have you ever had your grandchildren live with you, or did you live with your "Nana" for a period of time? Do you have any wonderful, or not so wonderful, memories of that time? I would love to hear about them! Okay, I'd really rather just hear about the wonderful ones until after they move out in a year, if that's okay...
Till next time...

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